The Enigma of Ancient Gold-Based Spells: Unraveling the Secrets

By admin

In the realm of magic, there exists a spell as ancient as gold itself. This spell holds a power that surpasses all others, a power that is both revered and feared by those who possess the knowledge to wield it. It is said that this spell has the ability to transmute any object into gold, but at a great cost. The origins of this spell can be traced back to ancient civilizations that worshipped the power of gold. These civilizations saw gold as a symbol of wealth, power, and immortality. They believed that by possessing gold, they could attain eternal happiness and prosperity.

The type of money introduced by Rome was unlike that found elsewhere in the ancient Mediterranean; it combined several unique elements.

Polymorph self or poly other both super versatile as well, especially poly self where the red makes himself look like a copper or silver, say, just before the good guys break in. Gold objects and metal ore were used in commerce in the Ancient Near East since the Bronze Age, but gold coins originated later, during the 6th century BC, in Anatolia.

A spell as ancient as gold

They believed that by possessing gold, they could attain eternal happiness and prosperity. Over time, as the secrets of this spell were passed down from generation to generation, its true nature became clear. The spell required the sacrifice of a living being in order to work.


What do you think is the ideal spell list for an ancient red dragon to maximize their combat potential?

I'll give it a try first, just using the Player's Handbook:
1) enlarge, protection from good
2) mirror image, invisibility
3) blink, slow
4) fire shield, minor globe of invulnerability

What do you think a strength spell would do for a dragon?

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Ratbreath Deity of Dragonsfoot
Posts: 6086 Joined: Fri Feb 21, 2014 12:58 am Location: Texas

Re: Best ancient red dragon spell list?

Post by Ratbreath » Fri Mar 22, 2019 3:47 am

I would recommend perusing both articles in Dragon #134 about dragon magic: "Give Dragons a Fighting Chance" and "Serpents and Sorcery".

The first article suggests uniquely powered-up versions of normal spells for dragons, like having a red dragon fireball do d12 per die instead of d6. It has a strength spell doubling their claw and bite damage.

The second article has a list of spells favored by reds:

p26Dragon#134 wrote: Red dragons

The best known of dragonkind, these mountain-dwelling monsters are infamous for their greed and power. The spells they enjoy using include:

First level: affect normal fires, burning hands, charm person, detect magic, firewater, hold portal, identify, magic missile, melt, and ventriloquism.

Second level: continual light, flaming sphere, detect good, locate object, mirror image, pyrotechnics,
strength (this spells adds +2 hp damage to physical attacks), and wizard lock.

Third level: blink, dispel magic, explosive runes, fireball, hold person, Melf’s minute meteors, suggestion, and tongues. Fourth level: charm monster, dimension door, fire charm, fire shield, fire trap, polymorph self bestow curse, and wall of fire.

Xabloyan Ancient Deity of Dragonsfoot
Posts: 35377 Joined: Thu Jun 17, 2010 6:37 pm

Re: Best ancient red dragon spell list?

Post by Xabloyan » Fri Mar 22, 2019 4:23 am

BTB, red dragons don't get to choose. They have to take random selection, and from a small pool it is implied. Only some gold (50%) and silvers (25%) have actual spell books!

Pretty much a red should take cold spells if it can because people going up against a red are going to prep for it with all sorts of fire resistance magic. Resist fire, protection from fire, fire resistance rings, flame walk; nobody's gonna have resist cold cast. So an appropriately timed ice storm can really screw over a party of dragon slayers!

Other than that, an ideal spell list for an ancient red would be:
1st: shield (get rid of those nasty MU magic missiles), charm person.
2nd: ESP, mirror image, invisibility, stinking cloud, are all good. Pick any two. Invisibility and stinking cloud, maybe.
Detect invisibility, otherwise a super useful spell is mostly useless given dragon senses.
3rd: dispel magic and slow are the best two 3rd spells anyway, even if you aren't a dragon. Dispel magic is especially good for dropping on a party as they emerge into your lair, so that they lose all their pre-cast buffs and resist fire/protection from fire spells.
4th: ice storm or wall of ice, and hot fire shield would both be great! Polymorph (self) or poly other both super versatile as well, especially poly self where the red makes himself look like a copper or silver, say, just before the good guys break in. Or making yourself look like the princess that the heroes have arrived to rescue. Charm monster is good for getting yourself lots of cannon fodder or meat shield flunkies. Confusion is a great defense spell.

but of course, going btb, it's entirely possibly you could roll up an ancient dragon with a loser random spell list like:

1st) mending, message
2nd) fools gold, leomund's trap
3rd) feign death, leomund's tiny hut
4th) extension I, massmorph

grodog Lesser Deity of Dragonsfoot
Posts: 4693 Joined: Wed Jun 05, 2002 2:54 am Location: Wichita, KS, USA Contact:

The elephant, with or without the castle, symbolizes the Royal African Company, founded in 1660, whose activities on the Guinea Coast of Africa resulted in the importation of much gold into England.
A spell as ancient as gold

Many were horrified by this revelation and chose to abandon the spell, while others were consumed by their desire for gold and continued to use it, regardless of the consequences. As time went on, the true cost of the spell became evident. Those who used it soon discovered that their newfound wealth came at a great price. The sacrificed beings began to haunt them, tormenting their every waking moment. They were no longer able to enjoy the wealth they had gained, as their minds were consumed by guilt and fear. Despite the warnings and the undeniable consequences, there were still those who sought to possess the power of this ancient spell. They were blinded by their greed and the allure of gold, unable to see the destruction that lay in their path. But like all things ancient and powerful, the spell eventually fell into obscurity. The knowledge of its existence faded from memory, and only whispers of its power remained. Those who still sought to uncover its secrets would have to dig deep into the annals of history, into forgotten texts and ancient artifacts, in order to uncover the truths that lay within. The power of this spell, as ancient as gold itself, serves as a cautionary tale. It reminds us of the dangers of unchecked desires and the lengths we are willing to go in pursuit of wealth and power. It is a reminder that true happiness and prosperity cannot be attained through material possessions, but rather through understanding and appreciating the beauty of the world around us..

Reviews for "The Lustrous Legacy of Gold Spells: A Journey into Ancient Magic"

1. Sarah - 2 stars
I found "A Spell as Ancient as Gold" to be quite disappointing. The plot felt predictable and cliché, lacking any originality or surprises. The characters were shallow and lacked depth, making it difficult to invest in their journeys or care about their outcomes. Additionally, the writing style was lackluster, with repetitive descriptions and a lack of attention to detail. Overall, I was left feeling underwhelmed and unengaged throughout the entire book.
2. John - 1 star
I regret picking up "A Spell as Ancient as Gold". The story was filled with inconsistencies and plot holes that made it difficult to follow or stay interested. The pacing was off, with slow and dragging sections, followed by rushed and poorly developed climaxes. The dialogue was unnatural and forced, with characters speaking in unrealistic ways. The overall execution of the book was sloppy and amateurish, leaving me feeling frustrated and annoyed.
3. Emily - 2 stars
I had high hopes for "A Spell as Ancient as Gold", but unfortunately, it fell short of my expectations. The world-building was superficial and lacked depth, leaving me wanting more. The magic system was poorly explained, making it hard to understand the rules and limitations of the magical elements in the story. The romance subplot felt forced and lacked chemistry between the characters, making it difficult to invest in their relationship. Overall, it felt like a promising concept, but the execution failed to deliver a satisfying reading experience.

The Fascinating History of Gold Spells: Ancient Knowledge Revealed

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